Monday, March 5, 2018

Gwinnett County Shiloh Middle School - Student With Gun © 2018 Phillip Evans

I just learned today that a student brought a gun into the school. Someone knew about it or noticed he had it, and notified school personnel, who got the pistol from the student.

With the millions of dollars that pour into school districts from Georgia and the Federal Government, along with the fact that Georgia law generally bans even licensed-to-carry citizens from bringing guns into schools, and the presence of signs banning weapons, how is it that a child could bring in a gun inside the school?

Photo from Gwinnett County Public Schools Website

I'll tell you how. No security screening of students as the enter the school. No metal detectors. Add unarmed teachers and other staff, with probably only one armed officer assigned to the school, and you have a recipe for what happened in Parkland, Florida.

There is much resistance to letting anyone but badges carry guns in schools. Public schools are a seat of the government's power, and governments want to be relied on as the sole protector.  

Letting teachers or anyone else be armed except law-enforcement takes the wind out of their sails when they talk about the "only ones" being professional enough to carry firearms, and they can't bear that. It's a direct affront to their world view that subjects must obey and trust only their government to protect them.

Everyone in Georgia who possess a license to carry a firearm needs to email their school's Principal and ask that they be allowed, under the provisions of HB 60, to be armed whenever they come to the school for the defense of themselves and others around them.

Get their responses in writing and post them on Facebook, blogs, and other forums.

Then, if a mass shooter strikes one of those schools, point out that they had been offered the tools to help keep them safe, but they REFUSED, and are now partly responsible for the dead and wounded.

In Georgia, local schools have the authority to appoint staff, teachers, and even parents who are licensed to carry, as being permitted to carry in their schools.

Gwinnett County has been able to do this since 2014 (HB 60 - start reading at line 281), but has REFUSED to do so. Gwinnett County, like all school districts so far in Georgia (Floyd County is considering it), prefers teachers and students to be sitting ducks when attacked by criminals and terrorists.

Waiting for the police to arrive has been proven over and over to be a prescription for many wounded and dead.

Superintendent J. Alvin Wilbanks gives his spiel on school safety here

Allow me translate it: "Blah blah blah, blah blah.... blah." NONE of his fancy talk did ANYTHING to keep a child from bringing a gun into one of his schools today.

Just because you have a few fancy letters after your name doesn't mean you possess any decent measure of common sense.

Nothing but gobbledegook pablum coming from those on the government payroll. Hack speech is just their attempt to hide behind a thin veil of buzz words meant to pacify the general public and fool them into thinking they are doing all the rights things to keep them safe.

The naked reality is that when you are a fish in a barrel with someone shooting at you, you need to be able to SHOOT BACK.

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