Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Florida's Gun Control Bill of 2018 © 2018 Phillip Evans

Later today, the Florida State House will vote on SB 7026 (Florida's largest foot stomp on the U.S. Constitution since Janet Reno led Florida to ban open carry of firearms in 1987), and it will pass (yes, I am working on this article now before the vote). 

Because SOMETHING has to be done, no matter how much it will step on liberty, no matter whether it will actually help save lives or not. Feelings matter more than love of freedom in this country, and has for a long time now. Showing that you care is the key to keeping the flock of sheep happy.

Crop of a photo of Stoneman Douglas High School sign by Coral Springs Talk

Some highlights from the House debate:

Some of these are from memory, so exact word-for-word quotes are but a few, and in some cases I didn't get their names, but no one is misrepresented in what I'm reporting here that they said. I challenge anyone to show otherwise.

Dracula Riding Godzilla

"A young Black or Brown boy will be running scared down the hall during a school shooting, reach for his cell phone, and get shot by a teacher thinking the boy was a shooter in the school." - Rep. Stafford (D)

That wasn't the only time the race card was played by "social justice warrior" (SJW) Reps. It was played until it was worn raggedy. Other Reps talked about "Black or Brown boys" being shot by intimidated teachers feeling threatened and using the "stand your ground" law. 

What they don't realize is that Black defendants have benefited as much or more from that law than Whites. Also, what they don't realize is the high legal bar to claim that defense. You can't just shoot someone because you are scared and claim "stand your ground". At least you cannot do that and get away with it.

"My four year old daughter who loves anything that looks like a toy will get her classmates to over-power an armed teacher to get his gun." - Rep. Hardemon (D)

I can do one better than that. Perhaps they would have used my example and thanked me for it had I been there: "If it suddenly thundered, a frightened teacher might believe the school was being bombed and pull out her gun and just start shooting through the walls in panic."

Utterly Lying:

"At Fort Hood, they were all armed and that didn't help. They still got wounded and killed." - A female Rep. (D)

Actually, they were unarmed and in a "gun-free" zone of the base, as most parts of military bases are.

TV Overload:

"In a Rifleman episode - a kid kills his dog by accident at night because he was so curious to fire a gun he was told not to touch, so we should keep guns out of the hands of children." - Rep. Hardemon, justifying the 18 - 20 year ban on purchasing firearms.

Representative Hardemon, you had me in stitches with that one along with your commando 4-year old daughter scenario. I think you watch way too much television!

Let's understand something basic here: 18-20 year olds are not children. They don't buy firearms so they can go outside and shoot them for fun in the middle of the night out of curiosity. They want home protection, especially when living alone or with children to protect themselves from home invaders.

But, But You Can Still Possess Firearms:

The RINOs playing footsie with the Democrats on the Second Amendment infringements in this bill were quick to point out that 18-20 year olds, while not able to legally buy a rifle or shotgun under this bill, would still be able to legally possess them. 

You mean they can legally possess one to shoot up a school, to legally kill children? That was a sarcastic question for the Democrats who watch too much TV and their RINO friends that don't easily catch sarcasm.

Most school mass shooters are over 18. And the 20 year old mass murderer at Sandy Hook didn't buy his gun, he stole it. Perhaps if they put their noses to the grindstone they can craft a bill to make it illegal to steal a rifle, instead of catching under-21 year old adults together into an infringement net that will solve nothing.

"It's [18-20 year old purchase ban] not an infringement. It works around the edges [of the Second Amendment]. It makes some things harder. It's minor...Better pass this now [you "Conservatives"] or you might get something worse later." - Rep. Roth (RINO)

The various infringements in this bill will not be forgotten, you filthy RINOs, just because you supported school districts to have the choice to have an armed Marshall program. That will not absolve you of your traitorous theft of our rights.

Most school districts will choose to NOT opt in to the Marshall program (school districts are typically controlled by "progressives", especially in South Florida), and of those that do opt in, very few staff will volunteer, simply because they will not have four weeks of free time to take the required training

Of course, one Rep said on the floor that he didn't want any school staff member carrying a gun in school after taking "a weekend course". I guess the fool Rep didn't bother to even read the bill.

Bump Stock Ban:

The bump stock language is very troublesome, and will affect virtually all aftermarket triggers that increase the rate of fire even a small amount due to a lighter trigger pull, and will make a multitude of good citizens instant felons, as with bump stocks themselves, since the bill has no method of disposition of bump stocks. 

Bring a bump stock to a police station to turn it in? You get arrested for possessing it. Nothing in the bill has a mechanism for safely turning it in without getting charged with a crime.

Not to mention, bump stocks should not be banned in the first place! A rapid-fire rifle is a valid anti-tyranny device.  

No mass shooter in or out of a school has ever used a bump stock, so what was that about? Yep, it's about control, as you will read more about below. Just read what one Rep actually admitted along those lines about this bill.

Well They "Did Something":

This bill has now passed 67-50 because law-makers, regardless of what parts of the bill they did not like, held their noses and voted Yes, because as the gum-chewing young lady Rep at the 1:30pm mark said, they "had to do something". 

Not many stood on principle and voted No, because they were chickens. And those that voted for the infringements in this bill while parading their "love" for the Second Amendment deserve to be tarred and feathered.

We Love Hunters:

"You can't hunt with an AR-15..."  - A Democrat

No, but you sure can use one to defend yourself and your family. 

"Ducks and birds are more protected than our children. You can't have more than three rounds in your gun when duck hunting, but it's legal to hunt humans with an AR-15." - Rep. Stark (D) Yes, he actually used the word "legal".

It's the Militia Fool:

"Muskets, blah, blah, blah. The Founding Fathers could not have envisioned the future development of firearms. This is not the 18th Century. The Second Amendment was just for the militia. You won't over-throw the U.S. Government's tanks. The Second Amendment is out of date." - Rep. Joseph Abruzzo (D) representing South Florida. Any surprise there?

The Second Amendment was written to guard against tyranny from within or without. 

It was not written to protect hunting rights. Its purpose is as valid today as it was in when it was written. The very fact the government wants to infringe on your right to keep and bear arms is the very reason it was written. Punish the criminals, but not me. Hands off my guns and my firearm accessories and bump stocks!

A 1776 style revolution in this country will not be fought with tanks. It would be guerrilla warfare, with a fair portion (not a majority, but enough perhaps) of current government law-enforcement and military on the side of liberty if tyranny rose up.

I predict several lawsuits over the 18-20 year old ban on firearms purchases, especially with the "special people" carve-out that will exempt some.

Perhaps the U.S. Supreme Court will hear one of those cases and correctly rule the firearm purchase ban unconstitutional. If enough years passes for it to even get there. In the meantime, how many honest, hard-working young adults will have been disarmed and left as prey at the mercy of criminals? 

Blame The Object:

Blaming the object is the lazy way out, because you can then just ban the object and be done with it, problem solved. 

Don't worry, pistols are in their sights. They are already nibbling at them with their push to ban ALL "high-capacity" magazines. Who NEEDS a pistol magazine that holds more than 7, or 9, or 10 bullets? Whatever the magic number of the day happens to be.

And they wanted to completely ban the AR-15 (just for us "regular" citizens, of course), which thankfully that amendment did not pass, so civil war is delayed a little while longer. 

Why didn't the professional organizers take advantage of emotional students after knife attacks to use them as pawns to gather them together with Bloomberg money to call for banning knives? Not enough political capital in it for them yet? 

Is it because knives are just inanimate objects that can do no harm unless wielded in a way to cause harm? Guns do not fire on their own. They are inanimate objects as well, and can do a lot of harm, or they can prevent a lot of harm depending on who has them.

80-90 MILLION law-abiding gun owners in America are doing quite well peacefully owning their arms (including millions of AR-15s) without government assistance.

Right about now, we should all send the overloads in their fancy armed-guarded building the message that we, the American People, will not comply with their edict of our rights infringements.

That's Just Racist:

Those who kept quoting Dr. Martin Luther King were apparently unaware he applied for and was denied (by Democrats) a license to carry a gun, even after having received threats to his life.

The Democrats who spoke care more about the racist "stand your ground" boogeyman that doesn't exist, than doing something (Marshall Program, if could be unfettered to actually be allowed to work) that could save the lives of children. 

And if they really do care about children, utter delusion is the only possible explanation for their opposition to allowing law-abiding citizens to be armed in schools. 

Citizens are already lawfully armed around hundreds and even thousands of children at public beaches, parks, festivals, fairs, etc.

Children - The Most Valuable Political Pawns:

"Children coming to protest is the only reason we are here doing something" - Rep. Stark

Really? You mean there would have been no blood dancing in the Legislature, no attempt to strip Americans of their Second Amendment Rights, no virtue signaling and posturing, no use of the limelight of a video broadcast to emotionalize and get your 15 minutes of fame?

Forgive me if I don't believe you, Rep. Stark. Yes, you can take that as me calling you a liar.

Let's not forget that those students were highly organized with help from professional and well paid organizers and Billionaire Bloomberg $dollars$ who are hardcore despisers of the right to keep and bear arms by we "regular" citizens. 

We Don't Love Guns, I Mean We Do:

Oh, they are all for guns, all sorts of them, as long as they are possessed and used by law-enforcement and the military that they love and trust, except when they are calling them racist pigs, killers of Black and Brown babies, and worse things.

Yes, "progressives" despise police and the military, but they despise something else even more. And that is the individual liberty to have the means to not have to wait for the police, to be able to protect yourself and your family. 

You see, the idea is to have everyone view government as the savior and provider of society, even if you hate the police, even if you hate the current President. 

Because at some point, they hope there will be a government of their making, and they want that love and trust of government to be transferred to them. 

More Control On The Horizon:

When the next mass shooting happens at a school in Florida, what other sorts of infringements will they propose?

"When you have a weapon that can tear through the flesh of any human being..." - Rep. Williams (D) - talking about the AR-15 (Armalite Rifle, not "Assault Rifle")

You mean like a pistol? Seems to me that pistols fire bullets, too, that can "tear through flesh". That folks, is their standard for banning something, so she may as well have been talking about pistols. There is no quenching the gun-grabbing thirst of those who despise  the idea of mere non-badged citizens owning, or heaven-forbid carrying guns in public for their own protection.

"You can't pick and choose which Constitutional Amendments...We have the First Amendment but you can't say certain things at an airport..."Rep. Willhite (D)

What he means is you can't say things that would cause a panic in an airport, and so because of that restriction we can infringe on law-abiding citizens peacefully possessing and NOT misusing certain firearms and firearm accessories. 

I saw that illogical conflation argument coming from a mile away. Even "hate speech" is legal under the First Amendment according to the U.S. Supreme Court, but a young adult man or woman under the age of 21 can't lawfully go to the gun store and buy a rifle or shotgun, to use them lawfully, as millions do in this country in other states? How stupid is that?

The misuse of the right of free speech or any other right is not equivalent to the PROPER ownership and use of firearms by law-abiding citizens. This is a non-sequitur if there ever was one. If that's the sort of "logic" they use, then NOTHING is beyond their capacity to pursue in infringing on our rights.

One of the last Reps (a Democrat) to speak, admitted out loud and honestly in clear words that "this may not stop the next school shooting." That's cover for them, folks! They KNOW another mass shooting will happen again, and their cover is that this is a "comprehensive" gun control bill, and NOT a school-shooting-prevention-bill.

Yes, this is what they been craving, and this school shooting was eagerly grabbed as the catalyst for the "step in the right direction". "Not just a school bill", he said. "Truly a comprehensive approach", he said.

And the very last to speak (RINO Rep. Oliva), who made sure to harp his "support" for the Second Amendment said the following: 

"It's just a judgement call, that's all this is. We are not depriving you of your rights. We are not infringing on your right to bear arms. We can ban 18 year olds from buying guns, even 18 year old single mothers, because we ban 17 year olds from buying guns. Constitutionally offensive to some? Meh. But for those of you who believe strongly in the right to bear arms, this is okay because 18 year olds are already banned [by Federal law] from buying pistols. Let's treat all weapons the same and not allow adults under 21 to buy either pistols or long guns. The victims' parents have all endorsed this bill, so that's why we can support it."

Sorry, but even victims do not get to infringe on our rights. And just because the Federal Government infringes on our rights doesn't mean Florida has to up the ante even further. 

This bill was born out of the burning desire to rob us of our right to keep and bear arms. It was buoyed out of emotion from the right "opportunity" to not let a tragedy go to waste, and anti-gun rights buckets of Bloomberg dollars that make NRA dollars look like pennies.

Now Let Our Protests Begin!!!

First, join, then join

Ask around in the Facebook group about the various provocative, but peaceful things you can do to "stick a thumb" in the eye of the hypocrite liars in the Florida Legislature who croon to us their "love" of the Second Amendment but who stab us in the back.



  1. Do those clowns actually think things through at least just a little bit past their noses?

    If an 18-20 year old goes to a gun store to buy a long gun, a BACKGROUND CHECK is run on them first before delivery.

    Since this bill bans store sales to those young adults, the only way they can now get a long gun is to have it gifted to them by a parent or friend, with NO background check required.

    How many will now "wink, wink" ask for a "gift" of a long gun in exchange for something?

    Who will know if there is a straw purchase? They can just claim it was a gift, and there will be no proof otherwise.

    I thought these fool politicians were all in favor of background checks? Guess not.

    Phillip Evans

  2. “You can't hunt with an AR-15..." - A Democrat

    Another moron who assumes that the object of all hunting is necessarily deer or elk. Just like they assume that “defense against tyranny” necessarily involves the federal government. Entirely consciousness of actual history like the Battle of Athens, or the reclamation of the government of Las Vegas NM from the local mob.

  3. Well, President Trump has come out praising the passed bill, saying they were almost ready with their "paperwork" to ban bump stocks on the Federal level.

    Look, it was the NRA that gave Trump the green light to ban bump stocks. That's one reason I'm not a member of the NRA. Instead, I'm a member of GOA and SAF.

    To the NRA: If you want to be a gun rights org, then act like it.

    Here's how: Repeat after me, "Shall not be infringed!"

    Yes, that applies even to bump stocks, and even to full-auto. If you are too stupid and too lazy to articulate why, then you need to stop calling yourself a gun rights organization.

    Phillip Evans
