Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Florida Open Carry Activities? SB 1242 and HB 739 © 2018 Phillip Evans

Although Florida has a general ban on the open carry of firearms, there are certain activities that temporarily exempt citizens from this tyranny. And ironically, you don't even need a license to carry to do so, even though you do need a license to conceal carry at other times.

The exempted activities are fishing, camping, target shooting, and hunting, or directly going to or from.

SB 1242 and HB 739 would add several other outdoor activities to the list. And that makes a great deal of lot sense (thank you, Patriot Senator Greg Steube!). Florida has hazardous wildlife, such as gators, sharp-tusked wild pigs, bears, bobcats, and venomous snakes. 

While out hiking in a state park or other area where such critters can get too close to human flesh, you may not have time to fumble with your cover garment or fanny pack to get to your pistol. Seconds sometimes count, a lot.

Let's see if the "gun-rights-friendly" Republicans in the Florida House and Senate agree. 

They have the majority and could just legalize normal open carry as is the case in 45 other states. But short of that, having open carry legalized when out about on foot in dangerous areas would be a good consolation prize.

Those Florida Republicans are so enamored with Janet Reno's memory, er, I mean the Second Amendment, that surely this outdoor activity open carry bill will get passed. Right? 

Or it could be that they are just bags full of hot air. The sponsors and co-sponsors of this bill excepted, of course.

As long as Backstabbing Traitor Anitere Flores and her equally traitorous lying comrade, Senate President Joe Negron remain in power, don't hold your breath. Most of the Republicans are thankful to have those two giving them cover in order to avoid real votes that restore liberty.

Sadly, I believe 2018 will be dirty rotten Florida politics, as usual. "If it pleases the crown" sounds a little too cozy to the overlords to forego.

So get out those t-shirts with a gun pic and the words, "Lawfully Carrying", and walk the public beaches filled with tourists to let them know that the ban on open carry doesn't remove your right of peaceful FREE SPEECH.

And if your handgun bulges underneath your clothes, that's perfectly legal under state law in Florida as well.

And don't forget to have video and audio going to catch any law-enforcement on the record for violating your right to do so!


  1. Call your local Florida newsrooms and ask them to run a story on these bills to ask their audience what they think. Suggest they ask the Republicans in control whether they favor citizens being better able to protect themselves outdoors from dangerous Florida wildlife.

    Phillip Evans

  2. Senator Greg Steube, don't go meekly into the good night. Be bold and call them out for their hypocrisy! They claim to support the Second Amendment and at the same time those Republicans trash your bills, or hide behind those that do.

    Be a tiger and not a lamb! Tell them to support your bills or switch to the Democrat Party!

    Call out Senate President Negron and tell him to put true lovers of LIBERTY on the Senate Judiciary Committee instead of his henchmen that oppose your bills!

    Phillip Evans
