Sunday, February 23, 2025

HB 472 - Republican Gun Control Bill © 2025 Phillip Evans

[Update on HB 472 – February 26, 2025]

This afternoon Rep. Alan Powell (our true friend there) made a motion in committee to kill this onerous bill, but it failed 6 to 5. He then made a motion to table the bill, after Rep. Jasperse agreed to do so, and the motion to table passed 7 to 5, meaning this is put on hold.

The motion to kill the bill would have passed had all Republican committee members remained in the room, but at least one or two Republicans had left the room, which allowed the Democrats to keep Rep. Jasperse's Republican anti-2A bill remaining alive.

Although we can breaths better now, we better watch out for Gov. Kemp's wolves to come back again for an attempt at another bite of our carry rights.


With the submission and fast-track of HB 472 (authored by Rep. Rick Jasperse), certain Georgia Republicans are partnering with Democrats to turn-back hard-won victories for the right of citizens to carry firearms in public for the protection of themselves and their families, by creating an additional place (besides the numerous ones already in existence) to be a crime if going to while armed with a self-defense pistol.

This bill is set to be heard in Committee Feb. 26th, 2025.

It would make it a crime to be armed inside a fenced-in area at the Georgia World Congress Center. Now keep in mind that outdoor events there for years have occurred without incidence, even though lawfully armed carriers have worn their self-defense handguns while in attendance.

Today, Feb. 23rd, I sent the email below (using my list, which may not be completely updated) to all of our state lawmakers under the Gold Dome:

Dear Lawmakers, 

Please see my personally authored email below. No organization asked me to send this to you:

The Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee will hear HB 472 Wednesday Feb. 26th. Talk about a whiplash fast-track!

This sudden backwards turn against LIBERTY comes in the light of ZERO progress to abolish further off-limits places to carry a firearm since 2017.

And since that time, numerous of us have been asking you all politely the entire time to let us carry in more places to protect our lives and those of our loved ones from evil people, all falling on deaf ears. Who are we to ask for more? "Can I please have some more, sir"?

If someone is caught armed for their protection at the Georgia World Congress Center inside the fenced area, because they came there by bus and didn't want to be unarmed on MARTA, here's what will happen:

They will be roughly arrested and separated from their spouse and children, taken to jail, have their rectum and other orifices rudely probed, and cast into a cell with violent criminals.

*** And this is merely because they wanted to avoid harm from a criminal attack in public. ***

Republicans have submitted a gun bill that the Democrats will be happy with. Hands joining hands with the enemies of liberty.

What has the GWCC promised to any of you? What's in this for you? There's certainly nothing in it for us mere Georgia citizens who want to exercise our right of armed self-defense.

Has anyone thought this through? People inside a fenced area with limited escape, and disarmed by law. When a murdering mass shooter shows up, what could go wrong?

When unarmed patrons walking or riding the bus to or from an event there, are approached by criminals, what could go wrong?

I'm wondering what happened to Georgia? Is it because we now have a Pro-2A President in office? Are lawful gun-carriers suddenly the problem now? 

Do you even know that throwing away our liberty also throws yours away just the same? How crazy is it then that ANY of you would think of supporting this foul bill.

Does Governor Brian Kemp want to be known as the first Republican Governor in two decades to sign a gun-control bill that further erodes our right of self-defense in public places?

If you hate this bill as much as I, then go on the offensive:

Submit a bill now that adds licensed carriers to OCGA 16-11-130 so that we will be immune to these off-limits places even as they start multiplying in number.

Who among you will stand up and speak up?

God bless those who stand for FREEDOM!


Phillip Evans
Member of GA2A (GeorgiaCarry formerly)


  1. Continue to call and write them to encourage them to do the right thing to oppose HB 472, and to call for inclusion in the "special group" immunity of OCGA 16-11-130.

  2. I do not doubt that Gov. Brian Kemp pushed hard for this bill. That's the ONLY way a Rick Jasperse would have authored HB 472.

    A whistle-blower needs to trumpet the behind-the-scenes details on the Governor's involvement in these efforts to erode our self-defense rights.
