Finally, after multiple mass school shootings in this country and multiple injured and murdered students, teachers, and staff, a momentum is building that possibly, if they are licensed to carry, and if they take comprehensive government-approved training, teachers might be given permission to carry a concealed pistol on their person while in their school.
Photo by Marcus Quigmire
Unfortunately, the wheels of loosening government fingers from the neck of Lady Liberty turn slowly. Most states have not yet decriminalized carry in schools by citizens who possess a weapons carry license. And most probably never will.
Even those states, such as my home state of Georgia, that allows local school districts the authority to appoint teachers, staff, and even parents to carry in schools if licensed, has seen either zero or very few school districts taking advantage of the offer.
In Georgia, if you are licensed to carry and carry your firearm into a school (except when picking up or dropping off a student), you can be charged with a misdemeanor. That means up to a year in jail and loss of your weapons carry license for at least three years after you complete your sentence. A nice government "gift" for someone who just wants to be safe, eh?
While this is a harsh penalty, it pails in comparison to being permanently injured by a bullet or especially to being killed by one or several.
So teachers, where you have no legal opportunity to carry your concealed pistol in a school, but where you love life and the lives of your students, you have a solemn decision to make, and only you can make it.
If you choose to carry your firearm in your school, you must be sure to conceal very, very carefully. Do not skimp on a holster. Get a high quality concealment holster. Use a pseudonym and become a member of a gun forum such as Georgia Packing to ask about methods of concealed carry. You will get plenty of helpful responses.
For ladies who want to carry, check out the The Well Armed Woman website.
If you are a school teacher and illegally carry in your school, do not be on Facebook or Twitter saying anything about guns. If pressed by anyone, tow the party line and pretend to be against guns rights. You have to be smart about this to not get caught.
I'm not advocating that anyone break the law. I'm just providing information to you for informational purposes that is already in abundance on the Internet. So abide by all Federal, state, and local laws, and stay safe.
And about the photo of that sign above. Signs keep out drugs from schools about as well as they keep out guns.