Saturday, December 2, 2017

Politician - Don't Offend Robbers © 2017 Phillip Evans

Right now, the plexiglass has to come down...We want to make sure that there isn’t this sort of indignity, in my opinion, to serving food through a plexiglass only in certain neighborhoods,” Bass told WTXF-TV.

The issue more important to her than employees not bleeding from bullet holes, is the feeling of "indignity" shoppers might get upon seeing such security measures as thick glass or plexiglass in front of a counter.

Hey, can someone please dial (215) 686-3424 and explain to Councilwoman Bass the indignity a store clerk could feel when a piece of lead from a robber's gun pierces their body?

Bass told WTXF-TV that stores could implement other security measures instead, such as cameras and security guards.

Apparently, according to Bass, security guards would not be offensive to customers. Well, that's a relief that no one would be offended at that. We must protect "feelings" after all.

Hey, here's an idea for the owners and clerks that work in these stores, if Bass's bill passes: 

EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE openly carry your holstered pistol on your hip while at work.

Philadelphia can't pass a law against being armed in public, if you're licensed to carry.

And if you can't have some thick glass shielding you, then wear a bullet-resistant vest as well. Of course, if you do that, Bass will want to make you adhere to a dress code of no body armor wearing while at work. 

To hear it from Bass, you must be vulnerable to armed robbers so as to not be offensive to your customers. I bet the career robbers are hoping her bill passes. You know they are!

The real issue is that Bass is a bigot who is embarrassed that most violent crimes in those neighborhoods are committed by Black criminals, and she wants to punish store owners, many who are Korean, who just want to be safe. Instead of them spending a few hundred dollars for some glass shields, she wants them to spend many thousands on security guards. 

Yeah, that'll teach Koreans for daring to have businesses in Black neighborhoods! Make them pay for making their unfair profits!

I really don't care what color criminals or victims are. Liberty guarantees we all have the right to protect ourselves and our own privately owned property as we, Free Americans, see fit.

When the goal and criteria for creating laws is protecting "feelings", much more than that could get hurt. People could die. Clearly, with Bass's bill, safety is NOT her concern. It's so typical of Democrats to be concerned with symbolism over substance.

Bass just wants to throw around her political weight as a "social justice warrior" to score racist points with those who agree with her bigotry.

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