Tuesday, February 27, 2018

It's Not About Arming Teachers, It's About NOT Disarming Them © 2018 Phillip Evans

"Progressives", bless their little pea-pickin' hearts, imply that lovers of liberty want to force teachers to be armed against their will. They are liars of the first degree if they deny they are implying such when they poo-poo the idea of armed teachers.

Actually, we lovers of liberty want teachers to have a choice in the matter. Isn't the word "choice" worshiped when we talk about dismembering innocent unborn human beings in the womb? But somehow that word becomes taboo when we talk about free Americans being able to defend themselves and others from criminals and terrorists.

If teachers are armed in public at the same rate as the general population, then about 7 to 11% of them (depending on what state they live in) possess a license to carry a firearm.

How about we NOT disarm them when they come to school. They already carry their concealed pistols in public when shopping, going to the park, and most every other place they go. And many of those places often have children in abundance. We don't see a rash of licensed-to-carry teachers murdering children in other places, so why would we believe it would happen in schools if the law was changed to allow them to be armed while teaching?

Here's a golden nugget of common sense: even now under current law banning guns at schools, a teacher could bring his gun into a school for the purpose of committing mass murder. Allowing law-abiding teachers the opportunity to be armed for good reasons won't increase the likelihood of an evil teacher bringing his gun. Having armed good guy teachers would instead be a deterrent to armed bad guys (teacher or not) from coming into the school. 

"If President Trump or the Legislature ever had a dumber idea than arming teachers, we can’t recall one. It’s a prescription for more dead teachers and more dead students. Teachers are teachers, not SWAT team cops."

Really? In all the school shootings where the teachers were unarmed and unable to defend themselves and their students, wasn't that an effective prescription for dead teachers and students? Is it easier to shoot fish in a barrel when the fish can shoot back, or when they can't? 

When most murders in a mass school shooting occurs within the first five minutes after shooting begins, but where the best police response time is in the 6 to 8 minute range, what better prescription is there for the most dead victims? No police help in time, and no one armed in the school to shoot back.

Now, I don't see police response times getting better. If response times were going to get better, that would have happened right after the first school shooting in this country.

The only honest prescription left is letting the real first responders, and that would be teachers if you are paying attention, have the tools they need and want to save lives.

And teachers don't need to be as highly trained as "SWAT team cops". That is merely a dishonest attempt by the Sun Sentinel to put up an artificial barrier to allowing defenders their ability to defend.

The same type of argument has been used against women by President Obama and other self-proclaimed, supposed "women-empowerment" types. "Little lady, you don't need a gun because the criminal will just take it away from you and hurt you with it. Just comply with their demands and give up what they want from you."

Notwithstanding there are multiple news stories where women with no formal training have shot armed men that attacked them, successfully defending themselves.

Imagine the lives saved we would have in schools if teachers voluntarily took firearms training from professional instructors, and were allowed to be armed.

The response was 10 times the amount they expected. Teachers are ready and willing to step up to do what it takes to protect their students. It's not fair for state governments to deny them that ability. Those politicians make sure they are protected in their Legislative buildings, don't they?

Do armed bad guys want to be fired upon as soon as they start their evil deeds, or do they want easy pickings? Most state governments want to keep schools easy pickings. Who's side are they on? Well, we know.

Police are armed because it takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun

When running, hiding, and waiting for the police to arrive fails to save lives, other good guys are already at the scene face to face with the danger at that very moment, so let's allow them their human right of self-preservation when looking at certain death otherwise, shall we?

If you believe the government cannot protect your children, then enroll them at K12.com for a tuition-free public school education they can have in the safety of your own home!

1 comment:

  1. Teachers truly are the real first responders. Unarmed, they fight back with more courage and bravery than the Broward County Sheriff's Office.

    Coach Aaron Feis at Stoneman Douglas High School used his body to shield students. He should have been allowed to have been carrying his pistol and shot the murderer.

    Phillip Evans
