Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Busloads of Students Want Your Rights Taken Away © 2018 Phillip Evans

Photo by Formulaone

I have a feeling I know what that "something" is. Yep, you guessed it... "Gun Control". 

Parents from Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, California, and other states that have migrated to Florida bringing their anti-gun rights outlook with them, and raising their children to have the same anti-liberty views, are now milking this massacre of innocent lives to turbo-charge their "moral authority" to call for infringing on the rights of free Americans.

And they are shamelessly using their survivor children as pawns to further their agenda. But those who despise freedom have no shame.

None of the predicted upcoming "gun-control" proposals that stomp on freedom would have prevented the attack, nor will they prevent future attacks. 

And sorry, but being a survivor does not give you the moral authority to run rough-shod over the rights of others. Punishing millions of citizens by stripping them of their liberty is not the solution to dealing with bad guys.

Having the means to shoot back WITHOUT waiting for someone else to come to your rescue is the best solution every single time.

Don't hold your breath for the spineless Florida Republican state politicians in Tallahassee to give a proper response to them. 

The proper response would be an apology for not allowing licensed-to-carry citizens to bring their firearms onto school property without the threat of jail, just for wanting to exercise their human right of self-defense.

I guarantee you, some armed parents and teachers on Feb 14th would have saved lives.

But Florida can't even allow licensed carriers to openly carry their handguns holstered on their hips outside of school zones, like folks can do in 45 other states.

With traitors to liberty like Republican Senators Joe Negron, Anitere Flores, Rene Garcia, and others, look to Florida to become the next New Jersey or California when it comes to the right to keep and bear arms. 

Patrick Neville gets it right. He was a 15-year-old student at Columbine High School in 1999 during that massacre. He is now fighting for Coloradans to exercise their right to carry a firearm in K-12 schools as a Colorado state representative.

1 comment:

  1. Who is paying for the buses and trip incidentals?
