Friday, October 28, 2022

Zoo Atlanta To Demand Your Weapons Carry License? © 2022 Phillip Evans

I continue to be astonished at the incorrect information Zoo Officials continue to make public. They should be ashamed of embarrassing Ms. Davis with the task of repeating such drivel.

First of all, Georgia does not have a "permit", it is a "weapons carry license".

Finally, even if a license were still required to carry a handgun in public, the Zoo would still lack the legal authority to demand to see anyone's license.

They certainly may politely ask to view your weapons license if you happen to carry openly, and you may politely decline to answer, with no actionable consequences against you for your refusal, such as kicking you off the property, or anything else.

So just wish them a nice day and go on about your visit. You don't have to show them anything other than your ticket or membership card.

The irony in all this flip-flop saga of banning, allowing, then banning again and once again allowing weapons, is that the Zoo has never effectively banned weapons in the first place. Never any metal detectors to my knowledge, although they might have used them in the past for special events, I don't know. But in general weapons have always been on Zoo property carried by lawful and sometimes unlawful carriers, and they know that.

Neither a paper policy nor a prohibition on a website can keep anyone safe. Real safety lies in the ability of people to keep themselves safe from armed criminals, not in virtue signaling or in giving lip service to safety. Feel-goods for the sheep do not a reality make.

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